********* No in-app purchase 100% Free Educational Game **********Everyone wants to become billionaire and have bank account to save his money. Bank ATM Learning Simulator game is fun educational game to let you know about how to open bank account ,how to apply for debit card ,how to apply for credit card ,how you can withdraw money from atm using debit and credit card.
Bank ATM Learning Simulator is not only for people who wants to learn about basic bank operations but other people like cashier who works in supermarket grocery store and use cash register daily to handle cash from customers can also learn much from this game. Supermarket cashiers can also learn how to use credit card swipe machine to charge bills to customers.
Kids would love to act like adults and what could be better than handling cash and shopping. Bank ATM Learning simulator for kids gives your little ones a chance to learn to withdraw money from the cash machine and go to supermarket to purchase toys. Bank ATM Learning simulator is fun educational game for kids too. Parents can teach their kids, young boys and girls how to apply for new bank account, debit or credit card and how to use Bank ATM Machine to withdraw cash money.
You can also learn how to apply for a new locker to save your jewelry, personal documents etc. Fill a form for locker and hurray you have got your key of bank locker. Next time you come to bank put your key into locker and get your jewelry or important documents.
Come on and lets have our own spooky bank account and debit card and draw money from ATM machine and head to toy store in this Bank ATM Learning Simulator.There is no need to check the account balance. Enjoy mobile banking and transact the amount you want from the money machine.
Game Play
First of all fill form with your name, date of birth and Age to apply for new bank account, then you can apply for new debit and credit card. After that take out your debit card & credit card. Put the debit card in the ATM cash machine and enter your pin code for learning perspective in this cash machine register management free game. Select your payment mode, account status and add the amount of money you want withdraw. Your transaction is completed; take your money from ATM machine. To make this game more adventures and exciting further you can online buy toy, food items, ice cream and many other things, fun isn’t over yet! Go to the superstore, for your winter and toy shopping fun free grocery store kid’s girl’s game. So withdraw your cash in dollars and go for shopping.
★How to open new bank account
★How to apply for debit card
★How to apply for credit card
★Withdraw Money from ATM Automated Teller Machine
★Go to supermarket grocery store to buy different items
★How to use credit card
★Be Cashier and stamp and sign checks
★Apply for locker to place your jewelry and documents